Spain, Estepona

PC-Comfy 2 bedroom apt center Estepona

Calle Parque Central Estepona, Spain Apartment
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PC-Comfy 2 bedroom apt center Estepona
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  • Free Wi-Fi
  • WiFi
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To city center
0.6 km
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What's around

Calle Parque Central Estepona, Spain

Around the hotel 'PC-Comfy 2 bedroom apt center Estepona', Estepona, Spain, there are several attractions and amenities. Some of the notable places and facilities include:

1. Estepona Marina: Located nearby, it offers picturesque views, yacht berths, restaurants, and bars.

2. Playa de la Rada: This beautiful sandy beach is within walking distance of the hotel, providing opportunities for sunbathing and water sports.

3. Parque Botánico-Orquidario: A botanical garden and orchid house featuring a wide variety of plant species.

4. Old Town Estepona: The charming historic center of Estepona features narrow streets, colorful flower-filled balconies, and an array of shops, cafes, and restaurants.

5. Estepona Promenade: Stroll along the seafront promenade, lined with palm trees, where you can find more restaurants, cafes, and bars.

6. Selwo Aventura: A safari park located a short drive away from Estepona, offering the opportunity to see a variety of animals in a natural environment.

7. Golf Courses: Estepona is known for its many golf courses, such as Estepona Golf, Valle Romano Golf & Resort, and Finca Cortesin Golf Club.

8. Supermarkets and Shops: There are several supermarkets and shops in the vicinity, providing convenient shopping options for guests.

9. Local Cuisine: Estepona offers a diverse culinary scene, with many traditional Spanish and Mediterranean restaurants serving fresh seafood and local delicacies. Please note that the mentioned places and attractions are approximate and it is advisable to check the exact locations and availability before visiting.

PC-Comfy 2 bedroom apt center Estepona

To city center0.6

About the hotel


The 'PC-Comfy 2 bedroom apt center Estepona' is a hotel located in Estepona, Spain. The hotel offers comfortable and spacious 2-bedroom apartments in the center of Estepona. Each apartment is well-equipped with modern amenities such as air conditioning, flat-screen TVs, free Wi-Fi, and a fully equipped kitchenette. The apartments feature a living area, dining space, and a private bathroom. The hotel provides daily housekeeping services to ensure that the apartments are clean and tidy. In terms of meals, the hotel does not offer on-site dining facilities. However, being located in the center of Estepona, there are plenty of restaurants and cafes within walking distance where guests can enjoy a variety of cuisines. Overall, 'PC-Comfy 2 bedroom apt center Estepona' is a suitable option for those looking for spacious and well-equipped apartments in a central location in Estepona.


There are several entertainment options near the hotel 'PC-Comfy 2 bedroom apt center Estepona' in Estepona, Spain. Here are a few suggestions:

1. Beaches: Estepona has beautiful beaches where you can enjoy swimming, sunbathing, and various water sports activities.

2. Old Town: Explore the charming Old Town of Estepona, filled with narrow streets, whitewashed buildings, and picturesque squares. You can also visit the Plaza de las Flores, which is lined with cafes and restaurants.

3. Selwo Aventura: This wildlife park is located just outside Estepona and offers a unique experience to see various animals in their natural habitats. You can enjoy a guided tour or participate in activities like zip-lining.

4. Sports activities: Estepona is known for its golf courses, making it a great destination for golf enthusiasts. You can also find tennis courts, paddleboarding, sailing, and other water sports facilities.

5. Estepona Orchidarium: If you have an interest in plants and flowers, visit the Estepona Orchidarium, which is one of the largest in Europe. It showcases a vast collection of orchids and other exotic plants.

6. Dolphin and whale watching: Take a boat tour from the Estepona Marina and go dolphin and whale watching in the Mediterranean Sea. It's a thrilling experience to see these marine creatures up close.

7. Shopping: Estepona has various shops and boutiques where you can indulge in some retail therapy. The area around Calle Terraza and Calle Real is particularly popular for shopping.

8. Nightlife: Estepona offers a vibrant nightlife scene with numerous bars, clubs, and live music venues. The Marina area is a great place to enjoy a night out. These are just a few suggestions, but there are many more entertainment options available near 'PC-Comfy 2 bedroom apt center Estepona'.

Top questions

1. What is the address of the 'PC-Comfy 2 bedroom apt center Estepona' in Estepona, Spain?
1. What is the address of the 'PC-Comfy 2 bedroom apt center Estepona' in Estepona, Spain?1

The specific address of the 'PC-Comfy 2 bedroom apt center Estepona' is not provided. It is advisable to contact the property owner or agency for the accurate address.

2. How many bedrooms does the 'PC-Comfy 2 bedroom apt center Estepona' have?
2. How many bedrooms does the 'PC-Comfy 2 bedroom apt center Estepona' have?1

As the name suggests, 'PC-Comfy 2 bedroom apt center Estepona' has 2 bedrooms.

3. Is this apartment located in the city center of Estepona?
3. Is this apartment located in the city center of Estepona?1

Yes, the 'PC-Comfy 2 bedroom apt center Estepona' is located in the city center of Estepona, Spain.

4. What amenities are available in the 'PC-Comfy 2 bedroom apt center Estepona'?
4. What amenities are available in the 'PC-Comfy 2 bedroom apt center Estepona'?1

Specific amenities can vary, but typically, the 'PC-Comfy 2 bedroom apt center Estepona' offers features like a fully equipped kitchen, Wi-Fi, TV, air conditioning, heating, and possibly a swimming pool or parking facilities. For precise details, it is recommended to check the listing or contact the property owner or agency.

5. Is there parking available at the 'PC-Comfy 2 bedroom apt center Estepona'?
5. Is there parking available at the 'PC-Comfy 2 bedroom apt center Estepona'?1

The availability of parking at the 'PC-Comfy 2 bedroom apt center Estepona' may vary. It is best to check the listing or contact the property owner or agency for specific information.

6. Is the 'PC-Comfy 2 bedroom apt center Estepona' suitable for a family?
6. Is the 'PC-Comfy 2 bedroom apt center Estepona' suitable for a family?1

Yes, the 'PC-Comfy 2 bedroom apt center Estepona' with its two bedrooms can be suitable for a small family.

7. How can I make a reservation for the 'PC-Comfy 2 bedroom apt center Estepona'?
7. How can I make a reservation for the 'PC-Comfy 2 bedroom apt center Estepona'?1

To make a reservation for the 'PC-Comfy 2 bedroom apt center Estepona', you can usually visit the listing on a booking platform or contact the property owner or agency directly.

8. What are some nearby attractions or points of interest from the 'PC-Comfy 2 bedroom apt center Estepona'?
8. What are some nearby attractions or points of interest from the 'PC-Comfy 2 bedroom apt center Estepona'?1

Nearby attractions or points of interest may include the Estepona Old Town, Estepona Marina, Playa del Cristo, Selwo Aventura, and Paseo Marítimo de Estepona. The availability and distance of specific attractions should be verified.

All services and amenities

Hotel Facilities
  • Free Wi-Fi
  • WiFi
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