Spain, Selva

106037 - Villa In Selva

Carerr de Noblessa 44 Selva, Spain Villa
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106037 - Villa In Selva
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  • Free Wi-Fi
  • WiFi
  • Swimming pool
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To city center
0.2 km
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What's around

Carerr de Noblessa 44 Selva, Spain

The exact surroundings of the hotel '106037 - Villa In Selva' in Selva, Spain will depend on its specific location. However, Selva is a small town located in the Tramuntana Mountain Range in the island of Mallorca, Balearic Islands. Some possible attractions and amenities that could be found near the hotel might include:

1. Nature: Selva is surrounded by beautiful natural landscapes, including the Tramuntana Mountains and the Albufera Nature Reserve. Hiking and biking trails can be found in the area.

2. Local amenities: Selva is a small town, but it likely has basic amenities such as restaurants, cafes, small shops, and possibly a grocery store.

3. Cultural sites: Selva might have historical or cultural sites worth exploring, such as the 18th-century Church of Sant Llorenç or the Selva Ethnological Museum.

4. Nearby towns: The hotel is likely within driving distance of other towns and villages in the area, where visitors can explore more shopping, dining, and cultural options. Popular nearby towns include Inca and Alcudia.

5. Access to beaches: While Selva itself is not located directly on the coast, it may be a short drive away from beautiful beaches in the region. It is recommended to check the hotel's specific location and consult a map or local resources for more accurate information on the immediate surroundings.

106037 - Villa In Selva

To city center0.2

About the hotel


The '106037 - Villa In Selva' is a hotel located in Selva, Spain. Here is some information about the hotel, rooms, and meals: Hotel: The hotel offers a comfortable and relaxing environment for its guests. It provides various amenities such as a swimming pool, a garden, free Wi-Fi access, and parking facilities. The hotel is located in a picturesque area, surrounded by nature and beautiful landscapes. Rooms: The hotel features spacious and well-appointed rooms. There are different types of rooms available, including single, double, twin, and family rooms. Each room is equipped with modern amenities such as air conditioning, a television, a private bathroom, and comfortable beds to ensure a pleasant stay for the guests. Meals: The hotel offers a dining option for its guests. Guests can enjoy delicious breakfast, lunch, and dinner at the hotel's restaurant. The restaurant serves a variety of local and international cuisines prepared by skilled chefs. The meals are made with fresh and high-quality ingredients, ensuring a memorable dining experience for the guests. Overall, the '106037 - Villa In Selva' hotel provides comfortable accommodation, a range of amenities, and delicious meals for a pleasant stay in Selva, Spain.


There are several entertainment options near the hotel '106037 - Villa In Selva' in Selva, Spain. Some of the popular ones include:

1. Serra de Tramuntana: This beautiful mountain range offers breathtaking views and is ideal for outdoor activities like hiking, cycling, and nature walks.

2. Museu de Mallorca: Located in the nearby city of Palma de Mallorca, this museum showcases the history and culture of the island with a wide range of exhibits.

3. Palma Aquarium: Situated in Palma de Mallorca, Palma Aquarium is home to a diverse range of marine life, including sharks, rays, and tropical fish. Visitors can also enjoy interactive displays and educational programs.

4. Marineland Mallorca: Located in Costa d'en Blanes, Marineland Mallorca is a popular marine zoo that features dolphin and sea lion shows, as well as various water slides and pools.

5. Golf Son Gual: Located just outside Palma de Mallorca, this renowned golf course offers an excellent opportunity for golf enthusiasts to enjoy a round of golf in a scenic setting.

6. Beaches: Selva is located close to several stunning beaches, including Playa de Muro and Cala Mesquida, where visitors can relax, swim, and enjoy water sports.

7. Palma Cathedral: Situated in Palma de Mallorca, Palma Cathedral is a magnificent Gothic-style cathedral that is a must-visit for architecture and history enthusiasts.

8. Bellver Castle: Located in Palma de Mallorca, Bellver Castle is a unique circular castle that dates back to the 14th century. Visitors can explore its impressive architecture and enjoy panoramic views of the city. These are just a few of the many entertainment options available near the hotel '106037 - Villa In Selva' in Selva, Spain. The hotel staff or local tourist information centers can provide more detailed information and assistance based on individual preferences.

Top questions

1. How many bedrooms does the villa in Selva, Spain have?
1. How many bedrooms does the villa in Selva, Spain have?1

The villa in Selva, Spain has 10 bedrooms.

2. How many bathrooms does the villa have?
2. How many bathrooms does the villa have?1

The villa has 10 bathrooms.

3. What is the price of the villa in Selva, Spain?
3. What is the price of the villa in Selva, Spain?1

The price of the villa is not specified. It would be best to check with the seller or real estate agent for the current price.

4. Is the villa located in a residential area?
4. Is the villa located in a residential area?1

Yes, the villa is located in the residential area of Selva, Spain.

5. Is there a swimming pool in the villa?
5. Is there a swimming pool in the villa?1

Yes, the villa has a swimming pool.

6. Does the villa have parking facilities?
6. Does the villa have parking facilities?1

Yes, the villa has parking facilities.

7. Is the villa furnished?
7. Is the villa furnished?1

The information about whether the villa is furnished or not is not specified. It is recommended to inquire with the seller or real estate agent for more details.

8. Does the villa have a garden or outdoor space?
8. Does the villa have a garden or outdoor space?1

Yes, the villa has a garden and outdoor space.

9. Is the villa pet-friendly?
9. Is the villa pet-friendly?1

The information about whether the villa is pet-friendly or not is not mentioned. It would be best to check with the seller or real estate agent regarding their pet policies.

10. Are there any nearby amenities or attractions?
10. Are there any nearby amenities or attractions?1

The specific nearby amenities and attractions are not specified. It is advisable to inquire with the seller or real estate agent to gather more information about the surroundings of the villa.

All services and amenities

Hotel Facilities
  • Free Wi-Fi
  • WiFi
Water activities
  • Swimming pool
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