Spain, Teguise

Casa Gavia 2 Famara

20 Calle Gavia Teguise, Spain Apartment
1 offer from 121934 NGN View deal
Casa Gavia 2 Famara
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To city center
6.2 km
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  • 121934 NGN
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  • 126395 NGN
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  • 127882 NGN
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  • 127882 NGN
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  • 129369 NGN
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  • 133830 NGN
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  • 142752 NGN
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What's around

20 Calle Gavia Teguise, Spain

The hotel Casa Gavia 2 Famara is located in the municipality of Teguise, specifically in the coastal town of Famara in Lanzarote, Spain. Famara is known for its beautiful sandy beach, Playa de Famara, which stretches for several kilometers and offers excellent conditions for surfing and other water sports. The hotel itself is likely surrounded by other residential buildings and vacation rentals due to the popularity of the area for tourists. Famara also has a small village center with shops, restaurants, and amenities for visitors. On the outskirts of Famara, you will find the stunning natural beauty of the Famara Cliffs, which provide a breathtaking backdrop to the area. These cliffs are popular for hiking and exploring, offering panoramic views of the beach and the Atlantic Ocean. Additionally, Teguise, the municipality where Famara is located, is known for its historical charm. The town of Teguise itself is home to charming cobbled streets, traditional buildings, and the historic Santa María de Guadalupe church, which dates back to the 16th century. Teguise also hosts a popular Sunday market, attracting locals and tourists alike. Overall, the hotel Casa Gavia 2 Famara is situated in a beautiful coastal area with a stunning beach, surrounded by natural beauty, and is within reach of both modern amenities and historical attractions.

Casa Gavia 2 Famara

To city center6.2

About the hotel


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There are several entertainment options near the hotel Casa Gavia 2 Famara in Teguise, Spain. Here are some suggestions:

1. Famara Beach: Just a short walk from the hotel, Famara Beach offers beautiful sandy shores and great surfing conditions. You can enjoy sunbathing, swimming, or even take surf lessons.

2. Costa Teguise Aquapark: Located about 7 miles away from the hotel, Costa Teguise Aquapark is a popular water park with slides, pools, and attractions for both kids and adults. It's a great place to spend a fun-filled day with the family.

3. Cesar Manrique Foundation: Around 5 miles away, you can visit the Cesar Manrique Foundation, a unique museum located in the artist's former home. It showcases his fascinating works and explores the relationship between art and nature.

4. Pueblo Marinero: In the heart of Costa Teguise, Pueblo Marinero is a charming square lined with restaurants, shops, and bars. It offers a lively atmosphere with live music and entertainment, making it a great spot for an evening out.

5. Timanfaya National Park: About a 20-minute drive from the hotel, Timanfaya National Park is a must-visit attraction in Lanzarote. You can explore the volcanic landscape, take a camel ride, and even witness geothermal experiments.

6. Jameos del Agua: Located approximately 9 miles away, Jameos del Agua is a unique volcanic cave formed by lava tubes. It features beautiful gardens, a pool, and an auditorium where occasional concerts and events take place. These are just a few options for entertainment near Casa Gavia 2 Famara. There are many more activities, attractions, and events to explore in and around Teguise, ensuring a memorable stay in this part of Spain.

Top questions

1. Where is Casa Gavia 2 Famara located?
1. Where is Casa Gavia 2 Famara located?1

Casa Gavia 2 Famara is located in Teguise, Spain.

2. What type of accommodation is Casa Gavia 2 Famara?
2. What type of accommodation is Casa Gavia 2 Famara?1

Casa Gavia 2 Famara is a house.

3. How many people can Casa Gavia 2 Famara accommodate?
3. How many people can Casa Gavia 2 Famara accommodate?1

Casa Gavia 2 Famara can accommodate up to 6 people.

4. What are the amenities available at Casa Gavia 2 Famara?
4. What are the amenities available at Casa Gavia 2 Famara?1

Some amenities available at Casa Gavia 2 Famara include a fully equipped kitchen, a private pool, a barbecue area, free Wi-Fi, and parking facilities.

5. Is Casa Gavia 2 Famara pet-friendly?
5. Is Casa Gavia 2 Famara pet-friendly?1

Yes, Casa Gavia 2 Famara is pet-friendly upon request.

6. Is there a minimum stay requirement at Casa Gavia 2 Famara?
6. Is there a minimum stay requirement at Casa Gavia 2 Famara?1

Yes, there is a minimum stay requirement of 5 nights at Casa Gavia 2 Famara.

7. What are the nearby attractions from Casa Gavia 2 Famara?
7. What are the nearby attractions from Casa Gavia 2 Famara?1

Casa Gavia 2 Famara is located near the Playa de Famara beach, Famara Natural Park, and the town of Teguise.

8. How can I make a reservation at Casa Gavia 2 Famara?
8. How can I make a reservation at Casa Gavia 2 Famara?1

Reservations for Casa Gavia 2 Famara can be made through various online booking platforms or by contacting the property directly.

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